Gosh Digital's Expertise Propels The Phoenix Beyond the $1 Million Milestone During BFCM

Growth chart of Gosh Digital email marketing services

$1 Million

Revenue Milestone During BFCM


Email List Growth


Revenue Increase from October to November

Growth chart of Gosh Digital email marketing services


In a landscape where achieving the $1 million mark in monthly revenue is a defining moment for any brand, The Phoenix, under Gosh Digital's strategic guidance, not only reached but surpassed this threshold during the highly competitive Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) sales period. This case study illuminates how Gosh Digital's adept email marketing strategies catalyzed significant growth, leading to a monumental November for The Phoenix.

The Challenge

While The Phoenix was already making notable strides in the health sector, their email marketing strategy was not fully optimized to leverage its market potential. The core challenge was to enhance their email engagement tactics to increase their market reach significantly, elevate customer retention, and boost conversion rates, amplifying overall revenue through strategic email interventions.

The Solution

Gosh Digital devised an integrated email marketing blueprint for The Phoenix, focusing on:

  • Personalized Email Campaigns: Tailoring communication to resonate with different segments of The Phoenix’s audience, enhancing personal connection and engagement.

  • Automated Email Flows: Streamlining lead nurturing to convert interest into action, guiding potential customers through a meticulously mapped journey.

  • Segmentation Strategies: Differentiating audience groups to deliver more targeted and relevant content increasing the impact of each communication.

We also tailored an email marketing approach that adeptly leveraged the BFCM timeframe while nurturing a robust year-round strategy:

BFCM Strategic Boost (Q4/2023)

  • Pre-BFCM Engagement: In October, targeted campaigns built momentum, setting the stage with $552,745.48 in revenue, which was crucial for warming up the audience and increasing the potential customer base.

  • BFCM Campaign Execution: November's strategy was meticulously crafted to maximize conversion during BFCM. Tailored promotions, strategic timing, and compelling content converged to push November's revenue past the $1 million benchmark, achieving an impressive total of $1,000,250.

  • Post-BFCM Strategy: To maintain the engagement garnered during BFCM and convert new leads into loyal customers, December's strategy focused on retention and re-engagement, culminating in a strong close with $639,901.83 in revenue.

The Result

  • Email List Growth: A phenomenal increase in total email recipients by 277% was achieved.

Email Deliverability Improvements:

  • Bounce Rate decreased by 68.70%.

  • Spam Rate reduced by 28.00%.

  • Unsubscribe Rate lowered by 22.73%.

  • Form Submissions: There was a 127.73% increase in form submissions, indicating higher engagement.

  • Total Email Recipients: A significant growth in the number of email recipients to over 40 million.

Key Performance Highlights!

Why Choose Us for Your Marketing Journey

  1. Strategic BFCM Success - Surpassing the $1 Million Revenue Threshold

One of the campaign's crowning achievements was propelling The Phoenix past the coveted $1 million revenue mark during the November BFCM period.

This showcases Gosh Digital's ability to leverage key sales periods effectively, creating targeted campaigns that significantly boost revenue. This metric demonstrates not just the ability to scale revenue during critical sales windows but also the strategic agility to capitalize on heightened consumer buying behavior.

  1. Robust Email List Expansion and Engagement:

In 2023, we achieved a remarkable 277% growth in our total email recipient base, a testament to our unparalleled capacity to broaden audience reach.

Complementing this growth, we significantly enhanced email engagement—reducing bounce rates by 68.70%, spam rates by 28.00%, and unsubscribe rates by 22.73%. Our strategic email marketing practices not only expand your audience but also cultivate a highly engaged community around your brand.

  1. Automated Marketing Excellence:

Our prowess in automated marketing is highlighted by a staggering 552.95% increase in conversions from Flows in 2021.

This metric showcases our capability to effectively nurture leads and drive conversions through meticulously designed automated workflows. Our expertise in creating personalized, timely, and relevant automated marketing campaigns sets us apart, offering our clients sophisticated solutions that convert interest into action.Divider

By partnering with us, you gain access to proven strategies that deliver tangible growth, expanded audience engagement, and efficient conversion tactics. Let us help you achieve your marketing objectives and propel your brand to new heights.

Gosh Digital
Gosh Digital - Unleash potential with expert Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Klaviyo Email, and SMS
Drive results with our specialized digital marketing services focusing on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Klaviyo Email Marketing. Start enhancing your reach today!